5 key things to do before getting your braces

The dentist gave you the thumbs up to go ahead with orthodontic treatment after your checkup. And our specialist orthodontist has created a personalised treatment plan for you. Now it is time to get your braces on! 

Braces can be life changing. This is a very exciting time but can also be an apprehensive time. At Nelson Orthodontics we are here to support you on your braces journey right from the start.

So how can you prepare yourself? We have 5 tips! 

Understand your treatment and take a selfie

It is very normal to feel nervous about getting braces. The best thing to do is learn a bit more about getting and having braces.

We will advise you what to expect when getting braces and how it will feel afterwards. It usually takes about 45 minutes to place the braces on the teeth and connect the wires to the brackets.

Do some research of your own to feel more comfortable about and learn other people’s experiences with braces. Read here about the different types of braces and here for the difference between braces and Invisalign.

Don’t forget to take a photo of your teeth before you head into your appointment. You’ll enjoy looking back on your teeth before braces and seeing how much your smile is changing along the way.

Prepare for some soreness, slight discomfort and adjustment

You will experience some discomfort as your teeth and gums adjust to your braces. Your mouth hasn't yet adapted to the pressure from braces. Your teeth will start feeling tender the evening of getting your braces placed.

It feels like a headache in your teeth. This feeling usually lasts for 4-5 days. After this timeframe, the discomfort in your mouth will ease quickly as your teeth and gums adjust to the braces. It is a good idea to take Paracetamol (Panadol) every 4-6 hours over this timeframe following the instructions from your Orthodontist.

Stock up on items

At your appointment we will give you a care pack for your braces.

This includes:

  • a special toothbrush designed to clean around your braces.

  • braces floss.

  • orthodontic wax to cover any parts of your braces that may be rubbing on your cheeks or tongue.

  • small interdental brushes to clean under your wires.

  • a special toothpaste to protect your teeth around the braces.

  • plaque disclosing tablets which you can use to show you where you may be missing with your brushing.

We recommend getting the alcohol-free Chlorhexidine mouthwash (use it three times a day for 3 days after getting braces). It is also a good idea to get ulcer gels, eg Orabase or Aftamed gel. You can apply these gels to ulcers, and they act as a barrier on the ulcer.

If you are prone to ulcers get an SLS free toothpaste eg Sensodyne Pronamel or Oral B Pure.

Clean Thoroughly

It is important to take care of your teeth and gums when you have braces. This means brushing your teeth and flossing regularly. The more brushing and thorough flossing the better!

Clean and healthy teeth will make the orthodontic process smoother. Brush and floss diligently around the brackets and wires to ensure you are protecting your teeth during braces. If you think you will struggle flossing consider getting a water flosser.

Prepare your fridge

Some foods are not good for braces. A good rule of thumb is to skip any sticky, chewy or hard foods.

Sticky foods, such as toffees or candy can pop brackets and bend wires. Crunchy foods like popcorn or hard pretzels can also lodge in the braces and gums. You will need to cut corn on the cob and fruit such as apples and pears into smaller pieces. Here is our 10 top braces-friendly foods to get your fridge prepared.

Make sure that you indulge in a few of the treats the week before getting your braces!

To feel more more prepared for getting your braces, follow these 5 steps.

First, prepare yourself mentally and research about the different types of braces available. Read our blog about the difference between Invisalign and braces here.

Second, prepare for some discomfort and take pain relief as recommended by your Orthodontist.

Third, stock up on items to help adjust to your braces.

Fourth, clean and floss your teeth thoroughly and spend the extra time on your oral hygiene.

Lastly, be mindful of your food choices and stock up the fridge with braces friendly foods.

Ready to take the next step? Schedule a consultation with us to explore your or your child’s orthodontic options. Contact us on 03 546 6981 or submit a form here for more information. We look forward to welcoming you to the Nelson Orthodontics family!