When is the best age to get braces?

Are you concerned about how your child’s teeth are growing?

Do they look crooked and crowded?

Are you confused about the best time to get braces for your child?

Deciding when to start orthodontic treatment, what type of treatment to have, and who provides that treatment, are important decisions. That is why we have created this blog series so you can be confident about the choices that you make for you or your whānau.

Understanding the orthodontic journey

Every child or teen’s orthodontic journey is unique and will start at different ages depending on various factors including their dental development, jaw growth, orthodontic problem and readiness for orthodontic treatment. Orthodontic treatment may be necessary to correct things like:

  • crooked teeth

  • gaps between teeth

  • early loss of baby teeth (read more here)

  • trouble chewing or biting into the palate

  • cheek biting

  • Protruding upper front teeth or bottom teeth

  • Teeth that do not meet normally or at all

  • Facial imbalance or asymmetry

  • Extra or missing teeth

  • Impacted teeth

  • Hypomineralised or very chalky teeth

Early evaluation: The first step.

The AAO (American Association of Orthodontists) recommends that your child should see an Orthodontist and get an orthodontic evaluation by age 7. In New Zealand we also recommend this.

At this first check, the Orthodontist will check for teeth and bite problems.

Some patients may need treatment when they still have some baby teeth. This is often called the first phase of treatment.

However, for many this is not required and your orthodontist will suggest periodic checkups to monitor your child's jaw and teeth as they grow.

Some people are fortunate and will not need any treatment. However, where treatment is needed, it will normally commence after their all their adult teeth have come in.

Key Factors in determining the right age

Each child's development is unique.

The teenage years are a popular time for orthodontic treatment. During this time the adult teeth have emerged and the jaw bone is still developing. This allows for a faster and easier movement of the teeth into their correct position with braces or aligners.

Within this window, several factors come into play when determining the best age for braces like how many permanent teeth are through, jaw growth and bite alignment.

For example, certain overbites are better treated just before and during the growth spurt. On the other hand certain underbites should be addressed after jaw growth is complete, typically between 13-15 years of age for girls and 14 years to 16 years of age for boys.

Another important factor is their readiness for orthodontic treatment.

In general, teens and younger adults are more likely to be patient and able to take care of their braces, and understand and tolerate the occasional discomfort that comes with wearing braces.

Adult Orthodontics: It’s never too late

Many adults are now getting orthodontic treatment to improve their smiles. Thanks to advancements in scanning technology, aesthetic and removable options like Invisalign aligners allow adults to straighten their teeth with minimal impact on their professional and social lives. 

Modern Techniques and options

At Nelson Orthodontics, we have various modern techniques, state-of-the-art technology, and options to suit each patient's circumstances and preferences.

Clear aligners (e.g. Invisalign), provide a nearly invisible way to straighten teeth.

Our 3D printed braces templates make placing braces on teeth easier, more precise, and more comfortable.

Our Suresmile technology provides us robotically bent wires that create beautiful smiles and position teeth roots for a stable bite. It generally means less time in braces too!

These innovations, combined with our experienced and friendly team ensure that you or your child receives the most effective and comfortable treatment possible.

Factors beyond age: Individual considerations

While age is an important factor in considering the right time to get braces, it’s not the only one. Your child’s specific concerns and personal preferences all play a role in determining the right time to get braces. That’s why a consultation with our specialist Orthodontists is important. We aim to understand your child's needs and we create a personalised treatment plan for the best results.

Creating smiles of confidence: Our Approach

At Nelson Orthodontics, our mission is to create smiles of confidence and achieve the best possible results. Our welcoming environment and dedicated friendly team ensure that each visit is a positive and happy experience. We understand that orthodontic treatment is a significant decision and we are here to support you every step of the way.

Ready to take the next step? Schedule a consultation with us to explore your child’s orthodontic options. Contact us on 03 546 6981 or click here to submit an online form. We look forward to welcoming you to the Nelson Orthodontics family!

Ana LowNelson Orthodontics